The less options people have, the more likely they are to keep up with the latest installment and pay more money. Shutting down servers, low player counts, and/or the online environment being filled with hackers often pushes people to buy the next game in the series. Long after the servers have been shut down you can still play these games just as they were in their hay day. Replay Value: Multiplayer games with offline bot match options have infinite replay value.

Changing Conditions: Since the internet has become a staple in everyone's home, the need for offline substitutes has faded.Ģ. Why they bothered wasting their time and money making shitty campaigns instead is beyond me. So why are we talking about Battlefield 2 if there are so many newer Battlefield games out there? Unfortunately DICE/EA decided to remove singleplayer matches with bots from all of their future games (the last game to have bot support was Battlefield 2142 which was released in 2006).